Video Archive- 2013-03-23: River at Lucky Bar
River performed live in concert at Lucky Bar Saturday March 23, 2013.
Concert presented by Surge Events
Video Archive- 2013-03-02: Mike Edel at Lucky Bar
Mike Edel performed live in concert at Lucky Bar in Victoria, BC on Saturday March 2, 2013. Concert presented by CMCT
Two of Us
Come Pick...
Gettin Ready for Rifflandia 2012
Rifflandia 2012 begins tomorrow night. 4 days, 120 acts and multiple venues. What am I going to try to see? I will for sure...
Video Archive- 2013-01-19: Dylan Stone Band at Logan’s Pub
The Dylan Stone Band performed live in concert at Logan's Pub on Saturday January 19, 2013.
Dylan Stone:
The Muse
Good Song
Dark Horse
Video Archive- 2012-12-29: The Archers at Lucky Bar
The Archers opened for Kiana Brasset at the Barely Legal Show at Lucky Bar in Victoria, BC on Saturday December 29, 2012.
Help The Archers...
Video Archive- 2013-01-19: The Ghostbirds at Logan’s Pub
The Ghostbirds performed live in concert at Logan's Pub on January 19, 2013.
Blood in Me
Sea Shanty
Laid in the May
Black Hole Free Fall
Opinion: Jay-Z/Kanye West Tour Ticket Prices
I like Jay-Z. I've seen him in concert twice. Once at the Pemberton Festival in 2008 and once at Coachella in 2010. I also...
Video Archive- 2012-10-26: The Stanfields at Lucky Bar
The Stanfields performed live in concert at Lucky Bar in Victoria, BC on Friday October 26, 2012. Due to work, I was only able...
Video Archive- 2012-08-18: Jesse Roper at Market Square’s Courtyard Sessions
Jesse Roper performed live with Charlene Birkbeck at Market Square for The Courtyard Sessions in Victoria, BC on Saturday August 18, 2012.
Eric's Got a...
Acres of Lions CD Release Party
Last week I attended Peak Performance Project Top 20 finalists Acres of Lions' CD Release Party for their second album 'Collections'. The entire lineup...
Video Archive- 2012-09-05: Woodsmen at UVic SUB Fair
Woodsmen performed live in concert at the UVic SUB Fair in Victoria, BC on Wednesday September 5, 2012.
Where You've Been
Do It Right (Fine, Good,...
Video Archive- 2013-02-16: The Archers at Fairfield United Church
The Archers performed live in concert at Fairfield United Church in Victoria BCon Saturday February 16, 2013.
The Archers:
Walking in the Dark
Big Ol'...